Suryodaya Municipality Achieves Second Place in NNRFC Ranking

It is my honor as the mayor of the municipality to share with you that our beloved Suryodaya Municipality has achieved an outstanding milestone.

In the latest publication from the National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (NNRFC) Performance Evaluation for the fiscal year 2080/081, our Municipality has secured a second position podium amongst all 753 municipalities in Nepal, scoring an impressive 80.2 points.

The evaluation, conducted under Province and Local Level Performance Evaluation Procedure, 2078, Clause 7, is an extensive and meticulous ranking system that assesses various aspects of municipal performance, including financial management, budget implementation, revenue collection, liability clearance, and administrative efficiency. Such an impressive score on the NNRFC Performance Evaluation reflects our dedication, discipline, and transparency in governance.

This score is not merely a number; it is a testimony to the efficiency and commitment of our entire municipal team. Securing such a high rank signifies that we have successfully implemented financial discipline, strengthened our governance mechanisms, and ensured effective budget utilization.

This impressive score also shows that we have been able to drive meaningful development, provide better services to our citizens, and create a system of accountability and transparency. This recognition is not just an achievement but also a motivation for all of us to set even higher standards for excellence and further fuels our motivation and commitment improve our governance, ensuring optimal utilization of the resources, and boosted continuation with our mission on making Suryodaya Muncipaity the model municipality in Nepal.

In this occasion I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the people of Suryodaya, our dedicated municipal staff and all the essential dignitaries who have played an instrumental and remarkable role in this success. Without your support, cooperation and hard work, this remarkable feat would seem unachievable.

Together, let us continue to strive for excellence and take our beloved Municipality to even greater heights!

Read the full ranking below

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